Our K-12 tutoring program is the largest area of Compass. On a typical night we welcome approximately 60 children from area schools. Some of our Compass children didn't enter school speaking English, and are in great need of learning the language quickly alongside their regular academic tasks. Others have learned conversational English, but are still working hard to master the academic language they need to be successful in school. With schools often relying heavily on parent involvement, our children struggle as their parents are still working hard to learn English themselves.
Our Compass tutoring program is a place for children to come and work on their homework with our many future, current, or retired teachers. We also welcome many wonderful community members and university students as Compass homework helpers. Working closely with our local schools, we endeavor to personalize each student's needs in order to see them be more successful in the classroom. Having served K-12 students in Northwest Indiana for over a decade, we have seen children begin with our program, only to grow to be high achieving students in high school.
Compass is also a special place for our children to connect with one another. They might be the only student in their class that speaks a language other than English at home, but at Compass they all have that in common. The encouragement and friendships that are formed at Compass contribute to the hope our students have to work hard and go to college someday. Many of our Compass students have even graduated high school, and returned as college student volunteers themselves!
Our Kindergarten - 12th Grade Tutoring Group meets Tuesday Evenings from 5:30-7:00 pm at Calvary Church!